Step 1 - Install The Tools

$ git clone ~/.phpenv
$ git clone https://github/com/php-build/php-build.git ~/.phpenv/plugins/php-build
  • Add phpenv into PATH (put into .profiles/.bashrc/.zshrc or something similar)
export PATH="${HOME}/.phpenv/bin:{$PATH}"
eval "$(phpenv init -)"
  • Reload your shell / Re-open your terminal

Step 2 - Update Definitions

We need to update php-build definitions periodically to get the available php versions.

$ cd ~/.phpenv/plugins/php-build
$ git fetch
$ git merge origin/master --ff

Step 3 - Compiling

$ PHP_BUILD_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-sodium --with-pgsql --with-pdo-pgsql --with-zip --with-json --with-xml --enable-fpm" \
    PHP_BUILD_INSTALL_EXTENSION="apcu=5.1.22 pcov=1.0.11" \
    phpenv install 8.1.12

Step 4 - Switching Version

# List installed versions
$ phpenv versions

# Switch into specific version
$ phpenv global 8.1.12