This is a snippet to scrap data from leaflet map generated by

  • Select data you want to scrap
    Figure 1: Select data to be scrapped

    Figure 1: Select data to be scrapped

  • Open developer console on your browser and paste following code
// Retrieve layers data as array
let layers = Object.keys(map._layers).map((key) => map._layers[key])

// Filter with popup only
let points = layers.filter((layer) => layer._popupHandlersAdded)

// Do something with the results
let results = => ({ coordinate: point.getLatLng(), data: point.getPopup().getContent() }))

// Extract essentials data
let processed = => {
  // Create dummy element for querying DOM
  const element = document.createElement('div')
  element.innerHTML =
  const schoolId = element.querySelector('a').href.split('/').pop()
  let data = element.querySelectorAll('li')
  data = [].map((el) => {
    const result = el.textContent.replace('NPSN : ', '').replace('Alamat : ', '')
    return result

  return { coordinate: item.coordinate, npsn: data[0], nama: data[1], alamat: data[2], id: data[3] }

localStorage.setItem('results', JSON.stringify(processed))
  • Now we can retrieve the results from localStorage. Open Storage tabs, navigate to Local Storage, select and copy
    Figure 2: Copy from localStorage

    Figure 2: Copy from localStorage

  • Paste into text editor and remove result:" at the start of the line and " from the end of the line. Save as results.json file.
  • Create new file and paste following code, save as
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Original code from:

from sys import argv
from os.path import exists
import simplejson as json

script, in_file, out_file = argv

data = json.load(open(in_file))

geojson = {
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry" : {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [d["coordinate"]["lng"], d["coordinate"]["lat"]],
        "properties" : d,
     } for d in data]

output = open(out_file, 'w')
json.dump(geojson, output)
  • Add execute permission with chmod +x
  • Open terminal and run ./ results.json final-results.geojson