One of the most annoying as developer/programmer is to do repetitive task over and over again. Why not just automate it? We are programmer right? It’s our job to solve this kind of problem.

The usual workflow of testing with phpunit is write test -> run phpunit -> edit source -> run php unit -> repeat. As we can see, in a single cyclus we run phpunit twice just to check if our source is passing the test. What if after editing the source the test is still failed? We need to edit the source and run phpunit again to check if the test is passing. This kind of repetitive task of cource can be automated right?


- NodeJS with npm


Open terminal and change to project directory and install gulp with npm

npm install --save-dev gulp


Create a new file with gulpfile.js name and paste code below.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;

gulp.task('phpunit', function() {
    exec('vendor/bin/phpunit --colors=always', function(error, stdout) {

gulp.task('default', function() {'**/*.php', {debounceDelay: 2000}, ['phpunit']);

Note: in this configuration we assume that phpunit is installed with composer. If your phpunit is installed globally, you can just type phpunit as exec parameter.

Run phpunit test after saving file

To run gulp just type node_modules/.bin/gulp from ternimal. Alternatively we can store this task into package.json as npm script.

"scripts": {
    "start": "gulp"

Now, everytime we need to run gulp we can invoke it with npm start. With this, after we edit php source and save it, the phpunit will be automatically run and we can monitor the result from terminal.